My name is Steph and I’m an artist based in (as of recently) LA. Growing up I got picked on a lot for my red hair. For a long time I wanted to die it to stop the attention, but eventually I learned to embrace it. I found out there’s nothing more attractive than owning your look.
I’ve loved crows for a long time. I’ve been fascinated with how intelligent they are and the fact that they’ve been observed to remember faces. I figure if enough redheads work to befriend crows, eventually they will learn that redheads are pretty cool. Then when we travel around the crows will see us coming and welcome us resounding caw-caw-phony.
This project ties into a larger love of the natural world. I hope that with this website and community I can encourage and educate people about finding their place in nature, learning to work with the earth and not againts it.
It’s our only hope